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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Generation of Degeneration?

  Too many of America’s Children are lazy, spoiled, and selfish, and need in more control than their parents…   … Laziness, sloppiness, indiscipline, selfishness and general piggery, which are the natural talents of children and were once slapped out of them, now became either crimes of the parents or sickness in the children, who would far rather be sick than disciplined."  In fact, these kinds of families are offered a television show contract.. 

 How does this end up being such an epidemic in American society?  How is America to blame?  Do you know anyone who falls into this category? (please use a fake name)  All of America's children like this?  Why not?


  1. In todays world i feel like children in this generation need to be disciplined the way that are parents were and hell i was. If you talk back to your parents and give them a attitude, i do not see anything wrong with a swift smack on the mouth. Or when you do not behave get a spanking or the leather belt across the rear end. Thats just my opinion, like in the Andrian Peterson case i think the media is over reacting just for giving him a good lesson.

    1. Peterson allegedly sent a follow up text saying, “Never do I go overboard! But all my kids will know, hey daddy has he biggest heart but don’t play no games when it comes to acting right.” Have you seen the pics? Seriously??????

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. america is to blame the reason being that america's technology is poisoning the minds or young teen's and or some adults exposing them to violence , rap music and just all sorts of things to keep them away from learning the real definition of respect for others such as there parents in retrospect the past is also following up to the future not all parents let there kids just step all over them yes some parents are very scared of there kids, but most parents just do what they have to do, and in force punishment on there kids to teach them a lesson, and the thing is america hates when parents reinforce punishment on there kids, but honestly its a good thing it keeps the kids out of trouble, but when parents don't reinforce punishment of there kids, and there kids end up in jail then the judge or police officer want to say " didn't your parents ever teach you manners or punish you " how are parents supposed to punish there kids if they are scared to go to jail for beating there kids because america's judicial system is all messed up but that's not my problem

    1. i agree 110% with your statement , people have the right to punish their kid how they choose up to a certain extent . Most of the policemen, judges, law makers, punish people for disciplining their kids , yet they do the exact same thing when they go home.

    2. Exactly its not fair for those parents who punish there kids and get in a very big amount of trouble because America decides that you cant whip your kid hello i rather have a well trained and educated child then some kid who has no home training no education because his parents didn't whip him or teach him the right ways of life

    3. Parents used to punish their children all the time in that way and now all of a sudden it becomes a crime. America keeps changing and I guess sometimes it's not for the better.

    4. That was all one sentence..

  3. I think America is to blame because once they find out that a parent has been hitting their child they are quick to call it abuse or quick to take their kids away from them. On the parents side they are just simply disciplining their child and growing them up the way they were raised as they were young.

  4. I think that the parent should just discipline then more and not just bring them to a psychologist and if the parents did disciple them more then they wouldn't have that many problems and they would know how to deal with it, Disciplined is okay.

  5. I believe part of it is that some people are putting themselves into situations of being parents to early. The mothers and fathers don’t really know how to parent and control their children. Society today is divorced, or separated parents… It’s almost rare to find a family that is still together. Majority of parents are working non-stop trying to provide for their families, there’s no time for the discipline when the children are raising themselves.
    People see it everywhere, they spoil and give the kids what they want, maybe it’s because of guilt with not being with them as they hope to be.

    1. A VERY GOOD POINT!! (Luther)

    2. I think it's both parents and society fault because kids go by what they see hear and learn and your parents can tell u the right things to do but then society shows you different like you can buy a game with guns,fighting,drugs etc. But then your parents tells you that's wrong but you see it and you think it's cool so you may display this knowing it's wrong . Like Lil Wayne I doubt that he would let his kids listen and see the videos he makes. I say this to say if you wouldn't let your child or kids see or hear the things you say or do don't do say it to others.

  6. They blame American society to much for what children do or don't do in life. Laziness they blame on tv and they blame being obese on tv. A few years ago they said that a lot of kids were getting fat because of cookie monster on sesame street. They changed him to veggie monster or something and it still hasn't changed obesity. Society isn't the problem, it is actually the way these people were raised and if you want to change the next generation then you need to target parents or any adult.

    1. So true.. No one wants to blame the kids. Funny too, the instant a kid does something commendable, the parent is bragging and proud, but the instant a kid doesn't something immoral or against their standards (if they were set at all) the blame/ attention goes elsewhere..

  7. In my eyes back when parents would slap their children in order to punish them it was actually a good thing. Children learned a little more respect that way and wouldn’t misbehave as much. From my knowledge it of just been more in the white community, but it did help. Nowadays parents just let their kids just go and do whatever they want. Children think they can just disrespect anyone who walks their way. I remember my parents always telling me that I need to respect my elders, but now I see children having tantrums in stores when they don’t get what they want.
    I do understand that there is a fine line between punishing your child by slapping their butts (like how it used to be) to beating your child very harshly. There are still some parents who punish their children within reason. This sadly has become an epidemic because people are slowly forgetting how children used to respect anyone older than them. Whether it was a teenager to someone in their 50s.

    1. I agree with everything you're saying. Your point are all on point.. It has gotten so bad to the point where even little kids are disrespecting authority.

    2. Yes, there is "fine line" between the two.. glad you clarified that.. But honestly, just the threat of a beating "wait till you get home" should be enough for that kid! It is the conscious fear and therefore reflection upon what he or she did wrong that should discipline a kid. Obviously, if that isn't enough.. well...

  8. A lot of this problem is the fault of the parents for not showing discipline to their children, or teaching that discipline and abuse are the same thing. If a child gives their parent a nasty attitude or talks back and they slap the kid across the face, that’s not abuse in my opinion. The parent had a reason to put a hand on their child, especially if the child has given them lip more than once. What I would consider abuse, though, is beating their child or hitting them a lot harder than needed and repeatedly for it. Smacked once or twice for it is discipline, hit very hard several times and possibly even degraded is on an abusive level. There isn’t a reason a parent should have to purposely degrade their child and make them feel like a piece of trash, along with causing extensive physical and probably emotional pain. Being spanked or slapped should not affect the child for a long period of time, and it should teach them not to do something again. It’s when unnecessary force is used that it turns into abuse.

    1. And unfortunately, the line between the two is wearing thin? Or is there a huge divide.. Parents who fear to discipline at all and those who take it too far? What happened to the "sensible discipline"?

  9. In today I feel that parents should be able to hit their children if they act bad or do something wrong. But i also don't think parents should be able to abuse their kids. Just a belt to the rear end is fine.

    1. I think that parents take a belt to the rear end to a next level at times because some kids still come to school with whelps and bruises I think depending on the age is should be different consequences.

  10. I believe social media and parents are both to blame for the way the youth behaves. Many artists promote drugs and violence, and kids/teens follow thinking that it's cool. Parents are to blame because either they have kids at a young age and do not know how to control them or they do not have time to raise their kids the proper way because they work most of the time. I also think parents spoil their kids to keep them happy because they aren't home most of the time & if they misbehave in any way they might ground them and feel guilty about it later so they let the kid off the hook. Nobody really believes in discipline anymore.

    1. Exactly, it's just an overall lack of discipline and respect from the parents, children and the child's peers.

    2. I can tell you, from a parent's perspective, I struggle constantly to not guide my girls towards being considerate, grateful, and kind.. And yet, the word "sexy"- flops around the radio constantly and they ask me "why"? Or, they want to watch a show on TV after 8 (scary) and ask me why they can't watch "Walking Dead because "all (their) friends do it!" I am losing this battle.. I always explain my reasons why... but bad influence is EVERYWHERE! I can't even take my girls to a Target or Walmart! In fear of what they will learn or try to do next.

    3. I agree to this 100% all commercials try to make it seem cool like everyone wants to do it just so they can sell their product. They dont care what it does to you they just want profit.

    4. I agree also I think they should watch what they put on tv do to viewers they can still make it where people will want to buy there product but make it where parents are not afraid that there child will see something they not suppose to


  11. This becomes a big issue in America because the younger generations are not as hard working or as disciplined as their parents and it is making America weaker. These kids will not respect anyone that gives them orders and will be to lazy to actually do any work. America is to blame for this because of all the laws preventing parents from disciplining their children. If the kids are not punished for things they do wrong, they will continue to do things the same way. I believe that kids should be punished because if they aren’t, things will only get worse from here.

    1. Well "getting worse" is up to you then, as some day, you will be that parent.

  12. I feel like kids should be disciplined the same way like they were once before. If I did something I wasn’t supposed to and just get yelled at, it would not affect me that much. However, if i got disciplined, or smacked, I would learn my lesson and not do that again. For some reason, now parents will be looked down upon if they hit their children. That is why most children nowadays are reckless and don’t care about what they do.

    1. I think parents should be parents they try to be there kids friend and the child takes it as if there parent are there friends I understand you wanna have a good relationship with your child but make sure they respect you and they know when to play and when not to

  13. It is clear that a number of parents are raising disastrous children that would be considered inferior to parents long ago. There are some factors that may have lead to this undesirable generation, such as culture, parenting ability and a lack of education within children. In my opinion, it is mostly the parents’ fault for creating degenerate and narcissistic offspring they call their children. The reason why I chose to put the blame on parents is because they will give anything that is asked for by their child, not to mention the child has privileges that will allow them to develop into brats. America, on the other hand, also receives the accusation of producing brats. America has this idea that “spanking your child can have consequences to your child in the future.” In some cases that is true, because empowering a child can cause them to become a bully or feel fear around others. But however, I believe that if a child is misbehaving and refuses to listen, every parent should have the right to smack them. In American culture, there are a lack of good role models that children can look up to. From my own personal experience, adolescents repeat a word in a line from a rap song that would usually degrade a group of people. It is unusual to hear a child say something like “ I want to be as intelligent as Carl Sagan.” Do I know anyone with a spoiled kid? Well of course. I have a cousin that used to receive everything he wants from his mother and would throw an extreme tantrum if he does not get the thing he wants. Now, are all children like this? No, there are parents out in America that teach their children ethical values. People just have to follow those parents.

    1. " In American culture, there are a lack of good role models that children can look up to. From my own personal experience, adolescents repeat a word in a line from a rap song that would usually degrade a group of people. It is unusual to hear a child say something like “ I want to be as intelligent as Carl Sagan.” Ha.. But true!!


  15. @z.romig I agree kids should get spanked but to a certain extent there are parents physically abusing their kids with broken ribs!! CHeck this out..

  16. I think some kids just want attention when they miss behave but they just go about it in the wrong way


  17. I believe that children should disciplined but the right way like no cells, computer, tv Ect Ect. Some children need to learn their lesson the hard way. America is to blame because 1st why are you making a tv show about it like its something good! I have a cousin named Lola she is spoiled and talks to her parents rudely but because when they say no she gets very upset. That is not good! Therefore, I really think parents need to be hard on their kids no mater how much it hurts them. Also, the tv show needs to go or either change to disciplined kind of show to teach these children a valuable lesson.

  18. I also believe children should be disciplined but for some that don't do anything when I was growing up I wasn't able to watch t.v.,go outside all I was able to do was homework ,study and come straight home I believe that may work because it worked for me.As they say "tough love".

  19. I also believe children should be disciplined but for some that don't do anything when I was growing up I wasn't able to watch t.v.,go outside all I was able to do was homework ,study and come straight home I believe that may work because it worked for me.As they say "tough love".
