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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

"The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" on American TV

READ ONLY  (Not Eligible for extra credit blogging) 

Which show on TV do you believe makes  Americans look despicable or pathetic?  Give a quick gist as to what the show is about..  and SPECIFICALLY what makes it so embarrassing for us as Americans...


Which show on TV represents American in a positive manor or better yet, exemplifies positive stereotypes about this country- such as family values, pride in work, altruism (kindness to others), selflessness, patriotism. 


  1. In another country if someone saw the tv show the Jersey shore they would think that Americans were the worst of people and that they are only party going sex addicts that only get drunk and sleep with everyone they know or don't know. The people on the Jersey shore are complete bimbos and are a horrible example of American society. Not all Americans are stupid bimbos, some of us are actually smart and know what we are talking about and not all of us use slang or words that completely aren't real. We aren't all dumb but if other people in other countries saw this show they would think this is what we are like.

    1. And yet, people love this kind of television.. It makes me wonder, though, if a new wave of television shows were broadcasted -that emphasized good morals, would they change society at all - since obviously, the trash tv on has done so? Is our country too far gone that it would be impossible for "goodness" to catch on?

    2. Its because society strives for more drama in their lives. Society is fascinated by drama and things that are wrong in the world. The companies that run these shows or shoot these shows know that the more drama they put in the show is going to make America watch them more.

    3. Therefore, money is the ultimate reason.. regardless of the effect it has on humanity. Sick, yet hypocritical.

    4. i totally agree with that. Money runs society if you don't have a lot of money society thinks you are poor and have nothing

  2. I definitely think if someone from another country was to watch the t.v. show Honey Boo Boo, they would be disgusted with what America has come to. Just to be entertained, we come down to watching a little girl and her family do and say stupid shit. They show everyone that America has come to it’s lowest with entertainment. The show makes American look really pathetic just for airing that show. I personally don't find the show funny or entertaining at all.

    1. Yes, Honey Boo Boo is a perfect example of a show that would make people think that we're all some groups of idiots that roll around in puddles of mud for fun or treat something like a carrot like poison because it's healthy. It's unfortunate that the show is still on air because honestly, it's humiliating and enforces the stereotype that we're all a bunch of really stupid people.

    2. Really, I find it more sad that we, as a society, are amused by the misfortunes of a young girl and exploiting her families ignorance and desperate need for money/ attention.

  3. yes I agree, They should not play this kind of tv but then again they do because all they care is about the money and not how bad our society looks from these shows.

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  5. The show that I think makes Americans despicable is the reality television show the jersey shore. That show makes us Americans look terrible. That show is about a group of people that go out to the club every night and pretty much come back a drunken mess. They also get into fights every once in a while. But that makes us look terrible because of them just go partying they think that is what we Americans are all about. We will not even be able to be taken seriously because of that show either.

  6. In the realm of tv there is no in between or better people in society. They are all alcoholics, 16 and pregnant, or from what they portray people that live by the Jersey Shore are like.

  7. From the comments it seems that Jersey Shore has basically defined our country and the some of the generations

  8. The show that makes America look pathetic is Teen Mom. It's a show about 16 year old girls who get pregnant and have life changing experiences. I personally think the show isn't a good look on America because its just giving these girls a tv show and making them popular. It's not teaching us anything and it is not that entertaining, only sometimes when there are fighting or arguing and that's pathetic.

  9. Has anyone noticed that almost any reality tv show has someone complaining or arguing about something? Whether it was who slept with who or someone cheated on someone else.

    1. If there wasn't any conflicts, nobody would watch the show. People like the suspense... plus it's kind of today's society.

    2. Is it, or is it what society is copying? Imagine if television shows took on a new trend of "goodness" and kind ness.. You know, like the "good deeds" kind of themes.. Remember "Touched by an Angel?" or those shows that madeover (home or body) someone's life to make them feel better and give them what others nominated them to deserve?

  10. There are an endless number of television shows that give the impression that Americans are people with no sense of intellect. I have never viewed these shows nor do I have any desire to. Actually, very rarely would I watch television at all. When I do, I would always watch educational content that I can learn from. For the sake of this blog, I decided to do research on these shows. Out of all the shows researched, a reality television series called Teen Mom seems to be the show that makes me question America the most. The summary of this series is about four adolescent girls who live a life struggling to raise their children. Do the viewers of this show feel that their lives are insignificant enough to where they need to watch people that are lesser than them? If that is the case, then I say it depicts Americans as simple minded people and here is why. Those who look down upon the girls should come to the realization that they are making a profit out of their insipid life changing choice. Also, if many Americans feel that their lives are too bland to the point where they have to compare to someone lesser than them, it would display how insecure and inane they are. My advice to those Americans would be to stop looking down upon people and try to set up goals to help improve their life.

    1. "...if many Americans feel that their lives are too bland to the point where they have to compare to someone lesser than them, it would display how insecure and inane they are." I guess insecurity is more attractive and tempting than security and, well, maturity.. I fear the future..

  11. TV sucks, Just watch ESPN and eat Doritos and call it a day. If you don't like what is on TV there is clearly an OFF button on your remote or TV itself. :-)

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